Tuesday, December 21, 2010

These have been the most boring holidays.I sleep,i eat,i play warcraft,i surf the net and i sleep again.No wonder i have gained weight and become as lazy as a sloth.I remember the old days when i just couldn't get enough sleep because i was occupied all the time.Now i do all sorts of crazy stuff to spend time.Past two days i have been doing a thorough research on youtube videos, thats how vella i am .And the fact that i am now writing a blog on it just proves the point even more.Darn my life!

Only one year back,when i searched for the most viewed video on youtube, it was "the evolution of dance"...it had some 90 million odd views.A close second was the music video "Girlfriend" by avril lavigne around 85 million views. When i browsed for the most viewed video this time around....i was like what the fuck???  Some 15 year old kid's music video had more than 400 million hits."Man" i said to myself " he must be a genius and this song has to be an epic". Baby from Justin Beiber. I heard the song.I had the biggest Shock of my Youtube life(bah bah). I just wanted three and a half minutes of my life back and so what if i would just eat,sleep,play warcraft and surf more....but i so wanted them back. The video hurts your eyes and the song just kills you and in a bad way. Whats wrong with the humanity i thought. Have they no taste in music??
Now i was desperate to know the mystery behind 400 mill. views. I read the comments. And there it was. There are twice as many Justin Bieber haters as there are fans. Uh huh! There were some 424076 likes to the video and an astonishing but very understandable 742353 dislikes. Hah! The bubble bursts. I made it 742354 and left a comment which got 30 thimps up in 5 minutes. The comment being "Justin Bieber is the one reason why people should use a condom". I felt a little sorry for the poor kid. But omfg he earns shit lots of money for that kinda crap.I swear with a good music i can sing better or so can any other boy with a non-feminine voice.He sounds so feminine and a shrill one at that.People don't realize that with this kind of  drama and non-sense we are killing the music. Listen to Beatles,Rolling Stones,Pink Floyd,Led Zeppelin,Iron Maiden etc etc but please discourage Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga shit.Oh yeah btw the second most viewed video is lady gaga's bad romance.What can i say :S

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